A Different Kind of Knowing

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Only what is not real can be lost. Before we begin, let me tell you this. What we are about to do, has the potential to change every aspect of what you think life is, and what you think you yourself is.

That’s not a small “thing”.

There is nothing dangerous about what we are doing. The only danger, so to speak, is that your mind might build a new idea about what we are doing.

This and many more concepts about Enlightenment and Spiritual Awakening will be shared in this book.

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This is the 2nd and revised edition of this book. The 1st edition was published in November 2015.

A short while after the first publishing, I decided to withdraw the book again for the following reasons.

My birth name was Hans Christian Andersen. Yep that’s right, just like the famous Danish poet from the late 1800 century. I was not originally named after him, but rather after my grandfather. I have always been proud of that name, although it has given me some weird expe­riences too.

Anyway, shortly after I published the 1st edition, it was obvious to me that it was a bad idea to publish a book as an author named Hans Christian Andersen. Some people thought that my book was written by the former, and that it was not a new book. In other cases, my book drowned out amongst H.C. Andersen’s books.

So I decided to pull my book from the market. Since then, it has laid dormant on my hard-drive.

Recently I decided that I wanted to republish the book. So I have gone through all the chapters, and edited the content on the basis of even greater insights. I have added some extra chapters at the end of the book, with more information about “what practically to do”.

Also back in 2017 I changed my last name to Lund­holm, so now it seems like the time has come, where my book finally can have its own life.

I hope you enjoy this book, and I wish you all the best.

Released August 2023
Hans Christian Lundholm



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